About Paul F. Tucker

Essex County District Attorney Paul F. Tucker has been a positive and leading force in law enforcement and criminal justice for more than 30 years.

He rose from patrol officer in 1983 to chief of the Salem Police Department in 2009, spending 17 years in between as captain of the Criminal Investigation Division. During his time with the department, he led and initiated various service-oriented programs.

Along with receiving a criminal justice degree from Salem State University and a master’s degree from Anna Maria College, he earned his juris doctorate at night from Massachusetts School of Law.

In 2014, Tucker was elected to serve as a Massachusetts state representative, a position he held until 2022, when he ran for and was elected Essex County District Attorney. During his time in the legislature, he served as vice chair of the Education Committee and sponsored the transformative Student Opportunity Act. He also served on the House Ways and Means, Public Safety and Homeland Security, Judiciary, and Mental Health/Substance Use and Recovery committees and was co-chair of the Special State Commission on Adolescent Crime.

Tucker has spent more than 20 years as a practicing attorney, member of the Massachusetts Bar, college adjunct professor, and police academy public safety instructor. He is also a graduate of the FBI National Academy and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers. He proudly serves on the North Shore Anti-Defamation League (ADL) advisory board and enjoys speaking with academic, civic, and social organizations.

As district attorney, Tucker leads a staff of 165 employees in ensuring public safety across the 34 cities and towns of historic Essex County through traditional prosecution and with a focus on victim services, diversion and rehabilitation programs, restorative justice, and positive youth engagement.

DA Tucker is a lifelong resident of Salem. He and his wife, Ann, have three grown children, six grandchildren, and a dog.


District Attorney Paul F. Tucker

Chief Legal Counsel D. Scott Dullea

Chief of Staff Sharyn Lubas

Chief of Communications Michael Keefe-Feldman

First Assistant District Attorney Mary-Alice Doyle

Deputy First Assistant District Attorney Kim Faitella

Superior Court Chief James “Jay” Gubitose

Chief of Appellate Division Cathy Semel

Chief of Family Crimes and Sexual Assault Unit Kate MacDougall

Chief of Motor Vehicle Crimes Unit William Melkonian

Chief of Victim Witness Services and Juvenile Court Maureen “Mo” Leal

Co-Chief of Homicide Unit Jessica Strasnick

Co-Chief of Homicide Unit Andrew “A.J.” Camelio

Director of Juvenile Justice Programs Dawn Gigante-Masterson

Chief of Administration and Finance Maureen Colby

Chief of Human Resources Meghan Carpenter

Chief of State Police Detective Unit Captain John Costa